Mother/ Daughter Relationships

Mother/ Daughter Relationships

Oh my!

When my Supervisor (and now friend) Hypnotherapist Tracey Grist in Balham, South London said we should do a workshop on this, I just stared at her a bit stunned. My thoughts were ‘where would we starts?’ which was silly really, because in the years we have known each other, we have spent hours talking about her mother and my mother, her mothering and my mothering!

But having a sackful of material and masses to say on the subject, does not make a workshop.

So, once I had gone away and thought about it, I realised Tracey was spot on! We really should do a workshop on Mothers and Mothering, exploring the mother/daughter bonds that go from woman to woman down the years.

What is interesting, is how we have devised a workshop that will do more than explore all this (I went to a recent Shamanic workshop which did this, firmly rooting our day in the past). Our workshop will obviously need an element of talking, examining and exploring (what is our dynamics? how would we sum up our relationship?) but we are going far beyond that, using hypnotherapy to journey us to a place of healing and kick-arse control.

It’s OUR turn now! not theirs! And if we want to break old patterns of behaviour and not act out as if we are the 7 year old we once were, we need to first work out what exactly the pattern is and then (using hypnotherapy tools and techniques) change things.

Having realised we could take people on a really profound journey with a  workshop like this, we then talked a lot about what sort of tone we are setting.

Both Tracey and I love to laugh. Even when it’s really rubbish/serious, we still love to find something funny or joyous or ridiculous about it. Based on this, we have been trying really hard to make sure our workshop stays upbeat, fun, light and celebratory.

Because when you get deep into our mother/daughter relationships, you realise, it’s all there; the dirt and the beauty, the tears and the laughter, the gifts and the damage. And the more you can welcome all of that in, despite the mess, the limitations (theirs and yours) and just face the whole thing with love and forgiveness, then the world of lightness and laughter naturally opens up to you.

So, i’m really excited to be with Tracey, organising this Workshop and if it is the massive success I know it will be, I might even think of running more!!

Please see the homepage for details – and email me to reserve your place!