
Hyp-Hike – a new offering in Brockwell Park, Lambeth from Brixton Hypnotherapy!

So, I have set up a local Brixton Event called Hyp-Hike which is basically a wonderful hypnotherapy hour in Brockwell...
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Why hypnotherapy?… when there’s counselling out there!

A friend has just qualified as a counsellor. Within weeks of getting her name listed on the official directory, she...
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My best friend and I were in a spa hotel for new year. She was not supposed to be there...
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GRIEF; the necessary pain

I have helped many clients with their journey through grief. I would like to write 'overcome' grief but I don't...
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‘If you enjoy therapy, you’re not doing it right’

My partner brought a ’52 lessons for life’ list to the dinner table last week. Quite a few were funny,...
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Life lessons in tough times…

Recently, someone trying to extort money out of me, lost in court and was refused appeal. What I want to...
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When fear comes knocking

I had a meeting today with a lawyer specialising in wills. Being unmarried, with children, I know I need a...
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Hello 2022! Life, but not as we knew it….

It is no wonder so many people contact Brixton Hypnotherapy, feeling anxious, fragile and overwhelmed. What seemed to be a...
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Alcohol and addictions…what you can do to change

I have had three clients this week tell me how they have an addiction they want 'to get on top...
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I can’t be bothered…

Three times this week, I’ve had clients at Brixton Hypnotherapy announcing this: I can’t be bothered. As a therapist, I...
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When a crisis becomes an opportunity….

If you heard Bill Gates talking when Covid started to get attention, you would have heard him predict a two-year...
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Re-connecting with people you love

A popular therapy technique for hypnotherapists, counsellors and pscyhotherapists for helping you work through tricky relationships, is to put an...
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HOW hypnotherapy will help you

Most of my clients are women in South London and I can honestly say as a hypnotherapist in South London,...
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What is NORMAL?

A client recently told me ‘I know it’s not normal’ when she described something she does, which not only do...
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How to banish ‘overwhelm’ from your life

I have a re-occurring nightmare. I’m in corridors and I have to get to an exam. Every time I turn...
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The difference between breathing and BREATHING

If you sit on the floor, cross your legs and lean over as far as is comfortable, then breathe deeply,...
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Birthing and Parenting Workshops

I have just had the most furious email from an NCT practitioner. I sparked her outrage with a flier in...
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Anxiety – a guide

The single most important thing to know about anxiety is it’s about AVOIDANCE. It persists because we try to avoid...
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The mind-blowing family within

I went on a workshop recently about Internal Family Systems. It’s a method of therapy that’s very popular in America...
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How to not get lost in parenting

A client of mine described her life with pre-school kids as this: draining, exhausting and boring! She felt she’d morphed...
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How to sleep better

Perhaps it is a symptom of modern-times, perhaps it’s always been this way, however now more people are willing to...
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Mothersuck and getting back to work

I have had a dozen enquiries just this month from women who want to be more than ‘Mum’. I have...
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Why all therapy should be gender based

So, it turns out there is a term ‘Feminist Therapy’ but it’s a sub-sect, rather than being standard in therapists'...
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The dance of anger

I think there is a feminine issue with anger and that is why I take a gender-based view on the...
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Skin Disorders

While most of us are out there, basking in this glorious 2018 summer...spare a thought for people with skin conditions,...
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Managing anxiety

I have a very confident, successful client at the moment who is a complete joy to see. She has that...
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IVF and infertility

When my best friend had IVF fifteen years ago, I was sworn to secrecy. She was simply too embarrassed to...
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Mothering a child with eczema and asthma

I have been in pain for most of my life. It is difficult for me to write that, because I...
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Up the confidence

I am fascinated in what holds women back. All the evidence suggests we work harder, do better in exams and...
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Hypnotherapy is fast and effective. Contact me today and find out how I can help you, like I’ve helped hundreds of people become the best versions of themselves.